500 Mananai Pl #17D, Honolulu, HI 96818
- selling price
- $669,000 (¥104,850,000)
- Room Type
- 2 Bedrooms / 2 Bathrooms
- Occupied area
- 1174 Sqft (109.07 m2)
- Year Completed/Year Built
- Completed in 1985, 39 years old
- Depreciation period
- 4年
- Percentage of buildings
- 61%
- Total amount of amortization recorded
- $426,390.00 (63,958,500 yen)
- Amortization per year
- $106,597.50 (¥15,989,625)
- Assumed Annual Rent
- $30,000
- Income tax (4.712%)
- $1,413.60
- Annual Common Area Maintenance Fee
- $7,788.00
- property tax
- $1,392
- Residential fire insurance premiums
- $600
- Management consignment fee (10%)
- $3,000
- $15,800.40
- real yield
- 2.26%
*$1 = 150 yen equivalent